Es un espacio para compartir mi visión de la Felicidad y sus vínculos con todos los aspectos de la vida, el hogar, el amor, los afectos, el trabajo, la sociedad, la política, la educación, la economía, la ciencia, la empresa y más.
La Felicidad es una tarea individual y colectiva, requiere un esfuerzo constante de todos nosotros, se relaciona e influye en todo, es un elemento vital para tener un mundo mejor.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Training y felicidad

During the second world war, most of the US workers had to became soldiers. Companies needed new workers, but none of them had experience, for this reason, they created “Training within industry”. With this system, they generated special skills in the new workers quickly, for the chain work. 

Although since that, there have been several training systems developed to increase the workers capabilities, none of this systems has been developed for happiness capability.Try to be happy!!!!!!!

La foto es en Amsterdam

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